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Agilent English 2013-11-25 PDF 1.38 MB 5988-4085EN c20131125 [10] free download

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File name English _ 2013-11-25 _ PDF 1.38 MB 5988-4085EN c20131125 [10].pdf

Agilent E4428C and E4438C ESG Signal Generators Configuration Guide You Can Upgrade! Options can be added after initial purchase. Migrate to the new Agilent MXG X-Series Signal generator and generate true performance The new MXG exceeds the ESG's performance in every category - output power, phase noise, spurious, and low frequency coverage to 9 kHz. Enjoy frequency and amplitude switching speeds that are 10 to 20 times faster, all in a compact 3.5 inch (89 mm) tall unit. For more information, visit E4428C ESG Analog Signal Generator Configuring your E4428C analog signal generator The following steps will guide you through configuring your Agilent Technologies E4428C analog signal generator with the performance you need. Step 1 Choose a frequency range (Required) Matching MXG options Not For more information go to: For more information go to Ordering # Description Requires compatible Note: These 5 options are recom- N5181B-UNT (analog modulation) mended to achieve full functional N5181B-UNW (narrow pulse modulation) equivalence to the ESG. N5181B-006 (instrument security) Additionally, one of the frequency N5181B-1EQ (specified low power) options below must be selected. N5181B-303 (multifunction generator) E4428C-503 250 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range 506 N5181B-503 (9 kHz to 3 GHz) E4428C-506 250 kHz to 6 GHz frequency range 503 N5181B-506 (9 kHz to 6 GHz) *(Mechanical attenuator only

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